Saturday, August 11, 2012

Variation On A Poem Noir

I was very happy in my Blackness
Both as a Black man and
As a man without a direction
Until she came along
She was everything I was warned about
And told never to bring home
She was then and still is now Satan's sister
The walking description of a
Blond-haired blue-eyed devil
With a passion for everything
That she was always forbidden to have
And this time it was me
I had the chance to walk away and
As I turned in another direction
To return to my roots and my family
Out came her claws and her hooks
And the temptation for something forbidden
Was more than any man could withstand
But just as it is the nature of the scorpion to sting
And for the snake to bite
When you have been blinded
It is impossible to see either
Until it is too late and your fate has been sealed
A gun or a knife would have made more sense
And the first time she struck should have been the clue
But seduction and betrayal are the perfect combination
Of pleasure and pain and she used them both
First to infiltrate my family and replace it with
A family of her own pulled from deep within me
And then to turn that family against me
To make all that is mine despise all that is me
And having accomplished her goal of the
Seduction and elimination of one Black man
She like the heartless predator that she is
Moved on to the next leaving me in my Blackness
Both as a Black man and
As a man without a direction

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